Oracle Database has great functionality that converts any number to its word format, suppose number "2 "you want to write it as "two", you can do it using Oracle database. you may not need it for single double, triple, or quadruple numbers but what if your number is big and it makes you lazy to read it or convert it into Word format, Here is the solution.
Make use of a dummy table dual along with a few other functions such as to_char and to_date, Here is the exact query to convert your number 3434590 into word or text format
SQL> select to_char(to_date(3434590,'j'),'jsp') from dual;
three million four hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred ninety
Where J stands for Jubilian date and which starts from 1 to 5373484 and JSP stands for Julian dates SPelled(SP)
as there is no direct function in oracle to convert number to words, you can try this method. Here is another simple example
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